

We welcome all retirees from the University of Minnesota. Learn more about UMRA, and our mission. See who we are and what we do below, in our many vital activities.

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UMRA Forum

Rebecca Cunningham, U of M president, 2024

Wed, October 16 2024, 10:45am

Rebecca Cunningham, MD
University of Minnesota

We are thrilled and honored that Rebecca Cunningham, MD, the new president of the University of Minnesota, has agreed to share her vision and priorities for the University with us at UMRA’s October luncheon forum. And we hope to have a big turnout to show her that our members are engaged and involved. 

Living Well Workshop

Katie Kolodge, UofM OHR

Tue, October 15 2024, 11am

Katie Kolodge
Health and wellbeing consultant
Office of Human Resources, University of Minnesota

Our annual workshop on Open Enrollment for University retiree health insurance plans for the coming year will include information about changes in federal law impacting drug coverage in 2025. The presentation by Katie Kolodge will also include a preview of changes ahead for 2026, when the U will introduce a new “exchange program” offering a wider variety in premium and plan options to choose from and navigators to help guide your decision-making. 

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Upcoming Events   

Main Street
Sep 27 2024, 2pm

October is the season for Nobel Prize announcements, so it is fitting that UMRA’s Fourth Friday Book Club will be reading books by two Nobel Prize-winning authors this fall: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis and Vintage Munro by Alice Munro. 

Sep 30 2024, 10am

Topics relevant to managing investments in retirement.  By David Foster, CFP©, CRPC©, CRPS©


Heath Sciences Strategic Plan 2024

The Regents’ Special Committee on Academic Health is seeking feedback from the University community on a draft of the Health Sciences Strategic Plan drawn up by the deans of the University’s six health sciences schools and colleges. 

We are driven - banner

October 1 marks the start of the 2025 competition for financial support from UMRA’s Professional Development Grants for Retirees program. Retirees from all five campuses within the U of M System are eligible to apply whether or not they are members of UMRA.


View a full year of UMRA events on the Calendar of Events.

From the President   


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Interest Groups   

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